Monday, October 24, 2022

We Do Not Accept

 Dear Neighbors,

If you want to support our grass roots effort to save lives on MD 210, please contact your state delegate, your council member, and the Deputy Chief Administrative Officers for Public Safety and for Infrastructure.

You can use the following template if you wish or speak your own mind. We hope to give Del. Valderrama enough support so she can get a bill passed through our county delegation, the state house, and state senate, to increase speed camera fines for reckless speeders and repeat speeders, and increase the number of speed cameras on MD 210.

In May 2022, one vehicle was clocked at over 160 MPH. The fine was $40. We need to make a bigger economic impact to change their behavior.

Thank you.

Ron Weiss, Member of the MD 210 Traffic Safety Committee


I, NAME, represent the NUMBER of families in COMMUNITY/HOA/ASSOCIATION in south Prince George’s County.

We do not accept that over 500 people should have lost their lives on Maryland roads each year in 2020 and 2021.  

We do not accept that the estimated annual economic cost due to motor vehicle crashes in Maryland should be over $5 Billion. 

We do not accept that over 100 people should have lost their lives on Prince George’s roads each year in 2020 and 2021. 

We do not accept that over 12,000 vehicles were cited by speed cameras on MD 210 at over 70 MPH in 2021. 

We do not accept that over 700 vehicles were cited multiple times by speed cameras on MD 210 in 2021. 

We do not accept that we need to live in a county and state where these numbers are "normal".

We do not accept that a $40 fine is sufficient to deter bad drivers caught by speed cameras.

We do not accept that the riskiest part of our air travel is the trip to and from the airport. 

We deserve to be able to use our roads without fearing for our lives.

We urge our county and state leaders to support stiffer speed camera fines to change the behavior of bad drivers who put us and our families in mortal danger while we travel on Maryland and county roads.




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