Click here for PG-303-23-1
to Prince George’s County House Delegation
PG-303-23-1 - Support
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RE: Support
of PG-303-23-1, " Prince George’s County – Speed Monitoring Systems on
Maryland Route 210 (Indian Head Highway) – Penalties"
Dear Delegate [name],
I am Name, brief description of your involvement and
interest in MD 210 safety.
Road safety depends on users following the rules of the road
to provide a predictable environment for all users. While most people drive
responsibly on MD 210, its long sections of straight, level roadway attract
speeders and illegal racers. As a result, MD 210 continues to be one of the
deadliest roads in Prince George’s County and the area. There have been 8
fatalities on MD 210 this year and the minority of irresponsible drivers have
not been deterred by $40 fines. Over 600 vehicles have been clocked at over 90
MPH during the 7-month period April- October 2022. One vehicle was recorded at an
incredible 168 MPH this year. These drivers inject chaos in our road
environment and make our travel much riskier. Reckless drivers value their thrills
over our basic rights to safety, peace, and tranquility. PG-303-23-1 will go a
long way to deter their life-threatening and irresponsible behavior.
I urge you to support PG-303-23-1.
Thank you for your consideration.
Typed Name
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